Friday, January 16, 2015

Nasa's New Horizons Spacecraft Will Reach Pluto!

Launched in January 2006, New Horizons awoke from its' hibernation last month after traveling a distance of more than 3 billion miles. The longest journey any spacecraft hIt will soon pass close to Pluto and have a long long-ranged photoshoot with the Dwarf planet on January 25. The spacecraft has a telescope called (LORRI) Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager. It will take hundreds of photos of Pluto over the next few months but won't get the close ups until May. They will use the long-ranged images to better adjust the spaceship to exactly pinpoint Pluto's location and orbit when they pass it. The telescope will take higher resolution photos than the ones we have on earth of Pluto, it moons and other dwarf planets around. There could be hundreds of dwarf planets in our solar system.

 I think this will be amazing and an extraordinary feat for space exploration once the images get out. It took 9 years to reach Pluto and we will soon see whether or not it was worth it, and honestly I know it will be. Huge amounts of other dwarf planets that orbit our solar system will be photographed along with Pluto so it will definitely be worth the wait. Dwarf planets in our solar system could appear unexpectedly so every other year or so scientists spot new ones. Last year scientists thought there could be a larger planet 10 times the size of Earth after discovering 2012 VP-113 and discovered no man's land between the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt wasn't empty and could be filled with thousands of objects with some that can be the size of Mars. These objects are hard to spot because they're too far away from the Sun, LORRI will potentially be able to view them all. Our Solar System is huge, bigger than what most people think it is, so hopefully this voyage will show exactly how big. I'm surprised the satellite spacecraft can even get a signal from Nasa that far away.

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